You need  2 players to play this game.

Objective of the game: Take any piece to the end of the board or clear the  column where your transmitter is so  it can transmit the signal.

• Transmitter: Can move 1 square in any direction.
• Tank: Can move 1 square in any direction.
• Soldier: Can move 1 square forward.
• Witch: Can move 1 square forward.
• Transmitter: Can attack in any direction. 1 square range.
• Tank: Can attack in any direction. 2 squares range. Can only attack twice, then it will be removed from the board.
• Soldier: Can attack diagonally forward 1 square to the left or right.
• Witch: Can attack forward, 4 squares range.

Every turn the players must take one piece from the bag, and place it on the first row of the board (depending on the player side). Then they can move or attack with the rest of the pieces. Each piece can only make an action per turn (Move or Attack)

Players may obtain a Power Up from the bag. You can choose to use it or place a Soldier piece instead. The Power up will remove all pieces (from both players) from a chosen column. It can't be used in a column where the Transmitter piece is.